The Motivator jacket transforms pre-race anxiety into empowerment, playing Kipling’s If and featuring future-ready, self-regulating temperature control.


The motivator is a jacket designed to transform pre-race anxiety into feeling empowered and fully motivated to face the challenge ahead of you. The jacket has an in-built sound system on which a motivational poem by Rudyard Kiepling ‘IFf’ is playing – poem read before every Ironman Triathlon that triathlete Chrissie Wellington finished with a record-breaking

time. In the future the product will also be self-thermoregulated – using temperature sensors inside the jacket that sense the change of body temperature and environment around, working like a thermostat. The sensors will send information into a microdevice that operates by the principles of Peltier effect that is used to cool/heat small fridges.

Thermal Videos
The waves of cold or heat will be produced inside the jacket, providing the wearer with the optimised temperature for any situation.
Final project
The motivator can be transformed from a parka jacket to a cycling jacket to make your commute to the race easier, with a hood that when zipped – creates a feeling of peaceful isolation – where one can focus only on the challenge ahead.